executive training

Hiring an Executive Coach

Hiring an executive coach to train the employees that show the most potential in an organization, enabling them to take on more responsibilities, may possibly be the smartest move a CEO can make. An individual looking to improve their own position in the workplace, perhaps even dissatisfied with their own performance, can also benefit from executive education. Executive coaches are also beneficial for employees in an organization whose internal personnel structure has changed or reshuffled. Regardless of the circumstances under which executive training is sought after, and for whom the training is designated for, the process is similar.

Executive Education or coaching is simply specialized training for individuals in the business industry to improve their chances of success in different, usually higher, positions within an organization. Coaching provides the individual with the opportunity to set goals, develop skills, and therefore enhance their overall performance. The process involves assessments, specific exercises, feedback, progress reports, thought provoking questions and assignments, typically in one or two hour sessions over a span of six months to one year.

Executive coaches are certified, experienced, well-educated and respected in their field of expertise. They must also possess an open, honest, and trustworthy personality to ensure the success of the training program for which they are hired. The specific goals and needs of the individual trainee must be addressed to encourage self-discovery and the ultimate success of the executive training exercise.

Some individuals may be threatened by the request that they attend executive coaching, treating it as remedial action or feeling singled out by upper management. They may not recognize the fact that this form of training can be extremely beneficial to both employee and employer, or may not feel they need the training involved. Unfortunately, this type of employee, regardless of where they sit in the ranks of the organization, will probably not benefit from executive education unless they improve their attitude and commit to change, permitting acceptance of both positive and negative feedback.

The most successful CEOs recognize and make the most of the varied and individual strengths and weaknesses of themselves as well as their employees. These CEOs acknowledge that personal growth and job satisfaction for all employees are very important elements in a successful organization that must be maintained from the top down. To deny or ignore this fact by failing to provide the required executive education can be severely detrimental to any organization.